Environmental Policy - Callow Top Holiday Park

Environmental Policy

Callow Top is committed to:

– Comply with relevant environmental legislation.
– Prevent pollution and reduce the company’s impact on the environment.
– Continually improve the environmental performance by monitoring progress against targets on a regular basis.

Our environmental objectives: We aim to halve our carbon emissions by 2030 and to meet net zero emissions by 2050.

We are installing 100kWh of solar PV panels in Spring 2023 to drastically reduce our emissions/carbon footprint.
We will make efficient use of energy, water and other resources by: changing all lighting to LEDs with movement sensors where possible. Improve ventilation to reduce the need for air-conditioning in Summer. Use air-conditioning for heating in cold weather instead of electric radiators, as it is more energy efficient. Switch off appliances rather than leaving them on stand-by. The swimming pool will be largely heated by the solar panels. We will be using substantially less burning oil as the solar PV panels will produce energy to heat water.

Rainwater from roofs is collected for watering plants, gardens etc. Showers cannot be left running as they are operated by push button. Amenity block taps cannot be left running as they are push button. We do not use sprinklers for water grass or plants/shrubs.

We will increase recycling and minimise waste through the following: Working with our waste disposal contractor who has a ‘zero to landfill’ policy. We already recycle aluminium and tin cans, coloured and clear glass, plastic, cardboard, office paper, ink cartridges and scrap metal.

We will avoid travel wherever possible. When appropriate we will meet with clients, contractors and potential new and existing staff via video conferencing. Callow Top is a family owned and run business. Seven of us live 400m from the park and we all walk to work. Currently most of our staff live within 3 miles and many of them walk, cycle or car share to get to work.

We raise awareness and train employees on environmental issues constantly by: explaining why we have installed the solar panels, telling them to always put waste into teh correct recycling bins, why they should car share/walk or cycle to work, generally keeping up a converation and ethos that is pro green, clean and environmentally aware.